GIS Mapping and Data Analytics
GIS Layers, PDF Maps, Interactive Viewers and More
Unlocking Insights with GIS Mapping
The Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) provides high-quality spatial data, maps, and on-line data viewers which provide critical information on the health and risk factors associated with forest and rangelands within the State of California.
Our online data viewers and mapping tools make it easy for anyone to access and use our data, whether you're a land manager looking to assess fire risk in a particular area or a member of the public interested in learning more about the health of California's forests and rangelands.

Statewide maps depicting state, federal, and conservancy and trust lands. As well as State Responsibility Areas (SRA) recognized by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection as areas where CAL FIRE is the primary emergency response agency responsible for fire suppression and prevention.
- CAL FIRE Administrative Boundaries 2023 (PDF) (GIS)
- CAL FIRE Facilities 2023 (PDF) (GIS)
- California County Boundaries 2019 (GIS)
- California Incorporated Cities 2023 (GIS)
- California Land Ownership 2024 (PDF) (GIS)
- California State Demonstration Forests 2024 (GIS)
- California State Responsibility Area 2023 (GIS) (Viewer)
Below find access to maps and data that can be used to understand how natural resources in California, such as forests, water, and wildlife habitats are managed. To inform decision-making related to land use planning, environmental management, and conservation.
- California Tree Seed Zones 2002 (GIS)
- CalVTP EIR Modeled Landscapes 2019 (GIS)
- CALWATER Watersheds 2004 (PDF) (Viewer)
- Forest Fuels and Species Conservation
- Reduce Wildfire Risk to Communities 2018 (GIS) (Viewer)
- Reduce Wildfire Risk to Forest Ecosystem Services 2018 (GIS) (Viewer)
- Restore Fire Damaged Forests 2018 (GIS) (Viewer)
- Restore Pest and Drought Damaged Areas 2018 (GIS) (Viewer)
- Wildland Urban Interface 2019 (PDF) (GIS)
Due to the nature of this content, some users who require Assistive Technology may experience accessibility issues. If you experience any problems while trying to access this content please call the CAL FIRE FRAP office at (916) 327-3939, or e-mail:
FRAP provides vital data on the risks and hazards facing California's forests and rangelands through a variety of mapping tools.
- CAL FIRE Fuels Reduction Projects (Viewer)
- Communities at Risk From Wildfire 2015 (PDF)
- Fire Hazard Severity Zones in SRA 2023 (PDF) (Viewer)
- Fire Probability for Carbon Accounting (Viewer)
- Fire Threat 2019 (PDF) (GIS)
- Historical Fire Perimeters 2023 (Perimeters by Decade Map (PDF) (Download Data (GDB) (Viewer) (QGIS) (Metadata)
- Tree Mortality Related High Hazard Zones 2022 (GIS) (Viewer)
Additional Resources

By downloading from this page, the user agrees to the following terms and conditions. The State of California and the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of data or maps. The user will not seek to hold the State or the Department liable under any circumstances for any damages with respect to any claim by the user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of data or maps.
The user will cite the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the maps, but will clearly denote cases where the original maps have been updated, modified, or in any way altered from the original condition. There are no restrictions on distribution of the maps by users. However, users are encouraged to refer others to the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to acquire the maps, in case updated maps become available.
Due to the nature of this content, some users who require Assistive Technology may experience accessibility issues. If you experience any problems while trying to access this content please call the CAL FIRE FRAP office at (916) 327-3939, or e-mail: