Windy C. Bouldin
Deputy Director, Office of Program Accountability
Windy C. Bouldin was appointed as the Chief, Office of Program Accountability in July 2012. The Office of Program Accountability is an independent, objective, appraisal entity established to conduct internal audits and audit-related services designed to add value and improve operations.
Windy brings over 23 years of State of California experience with 20 years of it at CAL FIRE. Throughout her tenure she has served in a variety of leadership capacities and possesses an extensive background in personnel management and organizational development. She has additional expertise in project management, web/graphic design, strategic planning, policy formulation and implementation, and program administration.
Windy is also the Returning Veterans: Enlisting Their Skills for CAL FIRE Service (R.V.E.T.S.) Coordinator. R.V.E.T.S. is the Department’s grassroots effort to assist veterans, service members, and their families with integration and transition into service with the Department. Additionally, she serves as a member of the Department’s Executive Team, as an instructor and cadre member for various leadership trainings, as a participant on an array of committees, workgroups, and forums, and is the publisher and managing editor of Connections, CAL FIRE’s monthly Management Services newsletter.
Prior to CAL FIRE, Windy worked for the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board Sacramento Office of Appeals and is pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership. Windy is also a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, the Institute of Internal Auditors, and the California Association of State Auditors.
Deputy Director, Office of Program Accountability
(916) 653-7772