Forest pests (insects and diseases) annually destroy 10 times the volume of timber lost due to forest fires. Native bark and engraver beetles have caused extensive conifer mortality throughout California's forest following years of severe and widespread drought. Invasive beetle species including the GoldSpotted Oak Borer (GSOB), Invasive Shot Hole Borers (ISHB), and Mediterranean Oak Borer (MOB) are killing both native and landscape trees. The Emerald Ash Borer (AEB), which is recently established in Oregon, is poised to decimate both native and landscape ash trees throughout California. The introduced Pitch Canker Disease has attacked Monterey pine along the central coast. Sudden Oak Death, caused by Phytophthora ramorum, has been found in 14 counties in California and has killed thousands of oaks. CAL FIRE's forest pest specialists help protect the state's forest resources from native and introduced pests, conduct surveys and provide technical assistance to private forest landowners, and promote forest health on all forest lands. The introduced pitch canker pathogen has attacked Monterey, Bishop, and Shore pines along the central and north coast. 


Contact Information

Dr. Curtis Ewing - Cascade and Northern Sierra Region

USDA-Pacific Southwest Region Headquarters 1323 Club Drive Vallejo, CA 94592
(916) 201-7032

Chris Lee - North Coast Region

118 S. Fortuna Blvd., Fortuna, CA 95540-2705
(916) 203-0856

Tom Smith - Central and Southern Sierra Region

P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94266-2460
(916) 599-6882

Kim Corella - South Coast and Southern CA Region

1150 Laurel Lane, Suite 175, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 550-8583