Wall Fire
- 100% Contained
- 6,033 Acres
- 1 County: Butte
07/07/2017 2:52 PM
10/24/2022 10:38 AM
01/09/2018 11:47 AM
Under Investigation
CAL FIRE Butte County Fire
Chinese Wall Rd, north of Bangor
Status reports
Status Update
Situation Summary
Firefighters continue to hold and improve fire lines and mop up hot spots. All evacuation orders, warnings, and road closures have been lifted. Butte County has opened a Local Assistance Center at the Oroville Municipal Auditorium, 1200 Myers Street, for residents whose homes were damaged by the Wall Fire.For tips on returning home after a fire visit: visit www.buttecounty.net/pathtorecovery
Resources Assigned
2Water Tenders
Numerous firefighting air tankers from throughout the State are flying fire suppression missions as conditions allow.
Damage Assessment
Confirmed Damage to Property, Injuries, and Fatalities.
10Structures DamagedResidential, Commercial and Other
91Structures DestroyedResidential, Commercial and Other
0Confirmed Civilian Injuries
Contact Information
Media Line
(408) 510-8406
Public Information
(530) 538-7826
Agency Information
CAL FIRE Butte County Fire
California Highway Patrol - Chico
Butte County Sheriff’s Office
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
California State Parks
California Conservation Corps
Cal OES - Law
North Valley Animal Disaster Group
Butte County EOC
American Red Cross
Butte County Animal Control
Pacific Gas and Electric
Oroville Police Department
Oroville Fire Department
California Department of Transportation - Oroville
Salvation Army
California Department of Water Resources.
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